We exist for one purpose

To invent smooth cultures
with a clear purpose and fulfilled tribe.

“DarkHoney” is a modern brand strategy agency.
Plays the role of a respectful agent for the leading experts and the creative talents contracting with DarkHoney.

When working together under the agency umbrella of high standards and values, every expert and creative individual collaborate in a smooth way that delivers the ultimate results to our clientele.

Our Culture 1

The main pillar of our
brand strategy standards

About Level C

Level C is the only professional credentialing program in branding offered by international brand master Marty Neumeier. The brand belongs in the C-Suite. That’s why we’re creating an army of brand masters, giving them the tools and to carve their path to a seat at the table and influence change that really matters for business. Because if you can change business, you can change the world.

Our Culture 2


Marty Neumeier is an international author, designer, and brand adviser committed to bringing the principles and processes of design to business. His series of “whiteboard” books have changed the way the brand has brought business forward, including ZAG, named one of the “Top Hundred Business Books of All Time”, and THE DESIGNFUL COMPANY, a bestselling guide to nonstop innovation.

His first and seminal book, THE BRAND GAP, has been consumed more than 23 million times. Its sequel, THE BRAND FLIP, has powered brand-building in the age of social media and customer dominance. And his most recent book, SCRAMBLE, has redefined what a business book can be as it explores how to build a brand quickly with agile strategy.

Marty founded Critique magazine, the first journal about design thinking. He has worked closely with the world’s most innovative companies, including Apple, Netscape, Sun Microsystems, HP, Adobe, Google, and Microsoft, to help advance their brands and cultures.

Today, he is the Director of CEO Branding for Liquid Agency in Silicon Valley, travels around the world as a workshop leader and speaker on the topics of design, brand and innovation, and most recently is co-founder and partner of Level C.

Our Culture 3
Our Culture 4

In DarkHoney, we envisioned how the modern branding agency would be! And how creative nomads worldwide can work together in a smooth, fulfilled tribe. As an agency, we set a high level of standards and strict rules that distinguished us as a source of unique advisors.

We are a very diverse culture that recognises the diversity of its clientele as well. And how every one of them needs a unique solution that only fits them.

Whether working with you online or at your company’s premises, our cultural motive is to help you invent smooth culture with a clear purpose and fulfilled tribe.

Our Culture 5

Every challenge requires a set of customised skills.

DarkHoney makes that happen smoothly, as smooth as honey filling the pot.

The never-ending process of qualifying new experts and creatives. Keeps adding new expertise with the latest industry discoveries to our team.

The Name Story


The origin of the metaphor that summarised our cultural story

The artistic metaphor compares the value of what we do with the value of one of the oldest natural remedies (Honey).

The colour of honey depends on the type of bees and nectar they collect from the environment. Where they exist and how they produce it plays an important role as well.

The (Dark Honey) gets its colours from the type of bees that can live in high altitude forests. They are unique, strong and wild bees, yet, they collect the nectar through the hardest geography to produce high-quality honey with a dark colour, not black but really dark!

Every creative nomad in our community is a very distinctive bee that went through the hardest nature to collect the best nectar. Together we’re all collectively creating a unique remedy for countless problems in the brand strategy world.

Meet The Team of
Level C Certified Brand Strategists

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Our Culture 7

Hamza Najjar

Principal, Brand Strategist
& Behavioural Science Practitioner.

Hamza blends behavioural science and brand strategy to help pioneering organisations create cultures that people love to be a part of.

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Dina Baenninger

Brand Strategist
& Hotel Branding Expert.

Dina is a leading certified brand strategist specialising in luxury hotel brands. She has extensive experience of developing brands with some of the finest luxury hotels in Switzerland. Dina cares about unlocking human potential and cultivating a culture of kindness.

Our Culture 9

Val Hassal

Personal Brand Strategist
& Transformation Coach

Val is a certified brand specialist and works with personal brands to help them experience transformation from the inside out.

Our Culture 10

Axel Schwarz

Brand Strategist
& Sports Brand Expert.

Axel is a leading brand strategist on a mission to cultivate a culture of fun and sustainably responsible sports brands and to empower top athletes to achieve their goals.